hwang.elizabeths@gmail.com | resume
Hi, I'm Elizabeth, a storyboard artist, New Jersey native, and a graduate of USC's BA animation program (class of 2021). I'm currently based in the New Jersey/New York City area but am willing to relocate.
I am passionate about storytelling in all forms, but I find storyboarding the best way for me to express my personal artistic sensibilities, which tend to focus on subtlety, character, old-timey charm, and a slice of life approach to high concept ideas. I could talk for hours about my creative inspirations and influences, such as the films of Powell & Pressburger, Frank Capra, Ernst Lubitsch, Jacques Demy, and Billy Wilder; the literature of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, and E.M. Forster; and the art of Sargent, Rockwell, Caravaggio, Bernini, and classic animation greats like Marc Davis and Bill Peet. Aside from watching Old Hollywood movies and reading old British novels, I also love video editing, creative writing, collecting old prints of books, watching baseball, playing Nancy Drew PC games, and my family and friends.

Thank you!